First Flights, Letter from the Editors

Hello Pfeiffer community!
To all newcomers, welcome to The Phoenix.
To all of our veteran readers, submitters, and followers, welcome back!
As you may know, the Phoenix blog, handcrafted with labor and love by our dedicated staff team to provide knowledge and entertainment for your general consumption and digestion, is updated weekly. In holding with tradition, this first blog post descends straight from the minds and through the typing fingers of your tirelessly dedicated Editors-in-Chief (Hi.) for the purpose of updating you all of our newest developments and achievements.
This year’s staffing has been approached somewhat differently than from in the years past. Under the direction and guidance of Dr. Marissa Schwalm, this year’s staff members have been appointed through a categorical selection process considering elements of their majors, skillsets, and professor recommendations. We are pleased to introduce this year’s staff through the most appropriate method we have available- by providing a series of creative autobiographies and photographs from the staff members themselves! Just check out the About link at the top of this webpage.
We are also proud and excited to announce, in partnership with the Piedmont Institute for Communication, Music and Art (PICMA), a new writing competition for high school students. More details will be announced in the weeks to come, but winners of our Emerging Writers Competition can expect to receive sizeable four-year scholarships to Pfeiffer University, see their pieces published in the 2017 edition of The Phoenix, and receive a travel stipend to publicly present their works at the spring 2017 Phoenix launch party.
This post officially opens the submission period for the 2017 edition of The Phoenix. We are ecstatic see, read, and experience your new works! Send in your art, photography, poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction works. We are especially interested in fictional and creative nonfiction pieces that toy with the boundaries of reality.
As always, we are looking forward to a lot of changes with the upcoming year and are prepared to face its challenges with dignity, aplomb, and merciless sarcasm.
As the editors finally conclude their final thoughts, minds divided on the most appropriate and entertaining sign-off, the world continues to turn, time passes, and no proper closing was ever determined. You, the reader, were left with the sloppy leftovers of a poor past-tense narration. All this and more from your Editors-in-Chief, Eli Bostian and Megan Hedrick.